Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Question: How do I join the UQ Powerlifting & Weightlifting Club? Answer: Click here to go to the membership site
Question: How do I get started? Answer: Come down and take a look and meet our coaches and members – have a trial training session on us.
Question: How do I pay for membership? Answer: To join UQPWC complete the application online at and then
use internet banking to transfer (direct deposit) your payment to Commonwealth Bank BSB 064158 Account 00912024. Enter your name in the description box. Once you’ve made payment please send a copy of your receipt to email [email protected]
Question: How many days a week do you train? Answer: We usually lift weights 3 to 4 times Monday to Friday 5:00pm to 8:00pm and Saturday and Sunday by arrangement.
Question: Do you have coaches? Answer: Yes the club has a number of Australian Strength and Conditioning Association (ASCA) qualified strength and conditioning coaches and powerlifting coaches with extensive experience in coaching lifters for powerlifting competitions.
Question: Does the club have female members? Answer: Yes, we have a number of female members. Some train and compete in national and international competitions.
Question: Do you supply a training program? Answer: Yes
Question: Who can join the club? Answer: The club is open to the general public – we are a very friendly club!
Question: Can I join even if I don’t want to compete in powerlifting competitions? Answer: Yes
Question: Does the club have a Facebook page? Answer: Yes, Our main web site is located at
Question: Where can I buy weight belts, shoes, suits, knee wraps, wrist wraps, resistance bands and other powerlifting equipment? Answer: Most people buy powerlifting equipment on the internet