The University of Qld Powerlifting and Weightlifting Club (UQPWC) is a University of Queensland UQ Sport Recreational Club.

Founded over 25 years ago, the club's goal is to provide high quality training facilities and sports coaching in powerlifting*.


Club membership is open to the general public with all levels of experience from novices through to experienced athletes. Interested in keeping fit, getting stronger or wanting to train and compete in powerlifting? You’ve come to the right place. For more information about our training fees and training times visit our Frequently Asked Questions page. Powerlifting consists of three events: squat, deadlift and bench press. Qualified coaches at the club write customised training programs and provide instruction. The club also organises “Give It A Go” days twice a year (February and July), and powerlifting and bench press competitions.


To sign up to UQPWC register here, this will take you to the membership registration site.  On this link you will find 6 month and 12 month membership rates.


The club’s gym boasts 6 combination squat/bench press racks, Eleiko powerlifting bars, Ivanko powerlifting bars, Rogue IPF-certified Power Bars, ATX Belt Squat Machine, Olympic rubber weights and bars, dumbbells, rubber lifting platforms, glute ham raise machine, calf raise machine, reverse hyper extension machine, logs, bands other strength and strongman training equipment.


The club has previously run many powerlifting competitions in its gym on behalf of powerlifting federations and several members are qualified International Powerlifting Federation International Referees.

Some members compete in powerlifting meets with various powerlifting organisations. For more information visit the USAPL or other powerifting federation web sites for more information about their meeting and membership requirements.

Can you bench press? or squat? or deadlift? Why not have fun and enter a powerlifting competition? (*Coaching in Olympic weightlifting is not offered at this time)