How to Benchpress Like a Pro
Credits: Official Training Manual of the IPF “A Practical Approach to Powerlifting” for competition and sport training by Larry Sheppard and Bill Jamison, 2nd Edition. ISBN 0-9681957-1-7 and International Powerlifting Federation (IPF) Technial Rules.
There are many different types of bench press styles, the f0llowing notes are provided for lifters competing in IPF style of competitions.
Key Points
- Utilise a bencb with safety rails and spotters if attempting a maximal lift (or you have concerns whether you will be able to complete the lift)
- Positioning on the bench – also known as set up
- Feet on the floor
- Head and buttocks on the bench
- Thumbs around the bar
- Descent
- raise the chest as high as possible before the descent
- lower the bar and touch the chest
- Ascent
- In IPF competitions the bar can not leave the chest until the referee gives the “press” command
- Keep the bar moving in an upwards direction (see also “bar path”)
- Don’t lift the hips off the bench as it can create pressure on the spine
- Benchpress More Now Breakthroughs in Biomechanics and Training Methods by Thomas M McLaughlin
- Elite FTS Bench Manual